Osceola Tug Hill Dryland Challenge

We had a great time at the first ever Osceola Tug Hill Dryland Challenge. The weather was perfect, friends and family came to spectate, and the trail was (as stated) a challenge! Although the main route was only 2.2 miles, it was a bit like a roller coaster, with a steep climb in the beginning and lots of rolling hills throughout.

I registered for the 6-dog class, the 2-dog bikejor, and the Fun Run (Saturday only). Since I have a heavy rig, I figured it would be best to put my strongest dogs on the rig team. I also didn't love the idea of having super strong dogs yanking me around on the bike, so I put Willow and Laika in the bikejor class. I even decided to use my fat bike for added weight.

Most sprint mushers are doing everything they can to reduce the weight of their equipment. This is usually the best strategy for winning! I was cursing my heavy rig and heavy bike on all the uphills, as I was running and pushing to help the dogs climb.

What goes up, must come down. And those downhills were something! I was glad to have the extra weight and the extra braking power of my heavy equipment. Several teams crashed, but (for the most part) we stayed upright. I was able to control the speed, especially in 6-dog, which allowed us to finish strong both days.

6-dog rig: 2nd place all breed, 3rd out of 6 overall
I ran my two Alaskans on this team, which meant we weren’t eligible for the registered breed class. There was only one other team signed up for all breed—Tabetha’s super speedy Border Collies (who always whoop our butts). We received an awesome trophy for this win (made by musher, Steven Davis!) but I am more excited about our third place overall finish. Staying in control on those downhills made the difference.

2-dog bikejor: 6th place all breed, 8th out of 14 overall
When I registered for this race, I didn't know which dogs I'd select for the bike team, so I entered the all breed class. This put us at a disadvantage, since I ended up running two purebreds (Willow and Laika) who can't really compete against houndy teams. It's okay, though. The girls did great and I'm particularly impressed with how hard Willow worked. Even at 9-years-old, her tugline never went slack. Not bad for my “B Team”!

Fun Run (2-dog bikejor): 2nd out of 9 overall
Sagan and Kuiper did an awesome job running in the shorter Fun Run class. Worth mentioning other teams consisted of single dogs and some canicrossers, so second place isn't a huge deal as the field was not evenly matched. Nevertheless, a great first race experience for the new kid!

I’m really pleased with how the team performed, especially since training has been a bit of a struggle this fall. We head to North East, PA this weekend for our second (and last) fall dryland race this season. The competition is going to be a lot more intense, so we’ll see how the gang does on much flatter terrain!

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