New Hampshire

After a long summer and a season without races, the dogs and I made it out to our first mushing event since, well, last year's campout. It's a fairly long trip east, through the entirety of New York and Vermont into New Hampshire. From the amount of gear I packed, you'd think we were about spend months on the road, but we were only gone for the weekend. That's just how it goes when you're camping with ten sled dogs.

We left on Friday in the late morning, since the campground wouldn't be ready for us until 3 PM. My plan was to load eight dogs in their boxes on the truck, and have Dexter and Atlas ride in the cab with me. Dexter is too old to maneuver in and out of the dog boxes, and while I did try to lure Atlas into a box, he's not quite ready for it yet. I also didn't want his first box trip to be 6+ hours. I did not anticipate Sagan going full starfish when I tried to put her into a box. She had no problem riding in the dog box all of last season, so this was a frustrating new development. I ended up piling her into the cab with Dex and Atlas, and the three of them awkwardly squished each other the whole ride.

It was over 60ºF when we arrived at Branch Brook campground, so we couldn't hit the trails right away. I used the last of the daylight to set up camp with my sleeping tent, a potty tent (the bathrooms at this campground are far), table, and chair. I cooked dinner (can o' soup) over my propane stove and fed the dogs their evening meal. The first night was relatively quiet, though a few other teams did appear. Around 9 PM, I got everyone in their boxes for the night—even Sagan, after some coaxing. I set up a crate inside the tent for Atlas (who I'm certain would blast through a tent given the opportunity) and Dex slept beside me on a thick comforter.

I woke up early Saturday morning to crisp temperatures (around 38ºF) and excited dogs. My plan for the day was similar to how we ran last year: two teams of four, practicing commands and passing with other teams. I brought my Fritz Dyck cart, since I need to get used to running it, and because it's smaller and more maneuverable than the ATV (it also can't break down, or run out of gas, etc.). My first run was with Willow and Sagan in lead, Atlas and Laika in wheel. The hardest part was taking off, as the dogs had to maneuver through the open field, past other dog trucks, to the trail. They eventually got the hang of it and they had a great time zipping around the woods—going much faster than they've been on our ATV runs. Atlas ran wonderfully even with all the distractions, and his very first passes with other dog teams were flawless. He's such a good natured guy.

While I had the first team out, Hubble managed to cause some of his usual Hubble-trouble. I had positioned him on the drop line where the trailer meets the truck; a mistake I even considered correcting but it slipped my mind in the chaos of hooking up the first team. Well, as we took off (and likely as other teams passed by), he got fired up and decided to tear into the trailer's wiring. When I got back, I saw that he had bitten clean through. It's a small trailer, and the hookup doesn't control any extra braking elements, but it's of course nice and important to have brake lights and blinkers. Especially for 6+ hour road trips. An unofficial alert went out, and other mushers stopped over to offer their support and advice. Turns out, many folks have dealt with this before (at least it wasn't my brake lines). Even better, a friend's boyfriend happened to have the knowledge and tools to completely fix the wiring for me. The mushing community really does come through. (Thanks Rachel and Chris!)

Back to the mushing. My second team was Hopper and Denali in lead, with Blitz and Hubble in wheel. They also did quite well out on the trail, with some nice passes with other teams and distractions. For the second set of runs, I swapped pairs—Willow/Sagan with Hubble/Blitz and Hopper/Denali with Atlas/Laika. After four runs (two per team) it was around noon and temperatures were a bit too hot for anything more. I ate a sandwich while the dogs were content to nap in the sunshine.

By evening, temperatures had fallen and we got a final set of runs in before dark. I went back to the original team setups (Sagan/Willow with Atlas/Laika, Denali/Hopper with Hubble/Blitz). I could tell the dogs didn't really need this final run, but I wanted to make the most of our time and knew we'd be leaving early the next morning. The first team out ran just fine, but the second team had some troubles. On the final stretch towards camp, the dogs tried to turn into the wrong field (in their defense, we did park there last year). When I got them to turn back to the trail, they had a sloppy head-on pass with a 2-dog bikejor team. No one got hurt, they just slowed down and were a bit too interested in the other dogs. During this little mishap, Denali's harness got twisted. Rather than stop and fix it, I opted to keep them moving as another bikejor team was approaching. They had another sloppy pass, and I could tell they were mentally tired at this point. Eventually, they got their shit together and made it back to our campsite. (Sorry Alison and Megan!) Five flawless runs out of six isn't bad, and even the "bad" run wasn't awful. I'll take it.

Back at camp, I took off everyone's harnesses and fed myself and the dogs by headlamp. The team was tired even though they technically didn't run all that far. Training isn't just about running; it's about traveling and sleeping in the boxes, hanging out on the drop line, watching other teams pass, and so forth. After dinner, the dogs curled up in their spots while I sat by a fire with other mushers.

Sunday morning was a blur of cleaning mud, breaking down frosty gear, and throwing some food into myself and the dogs. I also had ten bags of Inukshuk to drop off with another musher, which helped offset the cost of the pallet I ordered over the summer. Once everything was squared away, and the dogs were nestled back in their boxes (including Sagan), and Dex and Atlas were secured in the cab, we were ready to make the long trek back home.

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Where We've Been

There was still snow on the ground for my last blog entry, so I guess it's time for some updates. Summer has arrived to the North Country, and this year, it doesn't want to leave. Along with warm temperatures, we've had more rain than I've ever experienced anywhere, I think. It rained so much, I didn't water my garden for most of July and August. The mosquitoes are absolutely thriving, which makes being outside almost intolerable—unless you're covered head to toe. Not ideal for hot and muggy days.

Back in May, the dog van's transmission started giving me trouble on a visit to New Jersey. I brought it to a local specialist (shout out to Robbin's Transmission) and while it took a few months, I have it back now and it's driving great. I didn't get to take as many trips down to New Jersey, like I had hoped, but I did manage to spend Labor Day weekend with friends and family there.

My garden was a big success this year. I somehow ended up with about a dozen squash and zucchini plants (I swear I planted cucumbers, too, but none materialized) which spawned my "free veggie cart" idea. Growing my own food and sharing it has brought me a sense of community that was sorely needed, especially in these "Trying Times". I'm still getting tomatoes, peppers, and kale almost every day, but the bulk of the garden has run its course.

Last Christmas, I received a better canning system from my sister and her fiance, along with a vacuum sealer and a food dehydrator from my parents. Even with giving away a bunch of vegetables, I still have a surplus, so preservation is in full swing. My freezer is stocked with vacuum sealed  zucchini, squash, carrots, string beans, snap peas, and sweet corn. I've got canned beets, peppers, and pickles in the pantry. I've dehydrated some peppers and tomatoes with varying degrees of success.

I only got a handful of potatoes from my grow bag experiment; I think next year I'll try another method. I grew six lovely pumpkins and a bunch of bird house gourds. It always seems when I plant a variety pack, I ultimately end up with mostly one thing, but I did get a single speckled swan neck gourd and some other weird green thing. Next year, I need to stagger my planting so I have the pumpkins and gourds later. I'm hoping they'll last until October, though. The wild blackberries didn't do well this year, it seems they preferred last year's drought to this summer's monsoon weather. When my parents visited, we picked about a jar full that I'll use for pancakes and smoothies.

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We lost the other ISA Brown chicken (Cheese, of the Macaroni and Cheese duo) this summer. I noticed she stopped laying and had a few symptoms of various possible issues. I attempted to treat her and she was still eating and evading me up until her last day. I suspect she may have had cancer, which is common in high egg producing breeds. Since her sister died of heart failure (best guess) before reaching maturity, I suspect that whole brood was genetically compromised.

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Oh, that reminds me, I don't think I mentioned the two new chickens that joined the flock this spring. I picked up Bread and Butter, a pair of Easter Eggers, from a farm about an hour away. After losing Macaroni, I knew I wanted another big-sized egg layer to join the flock (PJ and Jean lay tiny eggs and not very often). It's recommended to introduce at least two birds, as a singleton may get harassed, so I got two cream colored ladies who lay beautiful green and blue eggs. They integrated with the flock without much fuss, and have been happy and healthy ever since. Morticia and Frosty have been reliable layers, PJ is as cute as ever, and Jean has been "broody"; she needs to be moved from the nesting boxes pretty regularly. Poor thing just wants to be a mom!

As for the dogs, it’s been a long off season. Atlas, fitting his namesake, has grown to be my biggest Siberian—and he’s only 9-months-old. So far he’s been a delightful pup, able to keep up with my more dominant dogs but doesn’t start trouble and knows when to surrender. He had his first few runs in harness last month, and as expected, he’s a total natural.

Willow has had an interesting summer. I noticed she was losing chunks of hair (more than the usual summer coat blow), mainly around her neck and shoulders. Upon further investigation, I found skin irritation right where I had applied Advantix a day prior. I took her to the vet, and the best we could figure was that she developed a new allergy to the topical preventative and from there, developed a little infection. I’m sure her thick fur and the humid weather made a perfect breeding ground for whatever was going on, though it never seemed to bother her.

I spent the next two weeks or so giving her topical and oral antibiotics, along with a few medicated baths which she tolerated but very much loathed. Her skin cleared up, but then a new weird thing started happening. She would have these little episodes, usually at bed time, where she’d pant heavily and wouldn’t settle. They freaked me out, which seemed to only make her worse. One night I almost brought her to the emergency vet all the way in Ithaca, I was so worried. Except the moment I got the leash out, she became her usual happy-go-lucky, perky self. After a midnight walk around our trail, she did finally relax.

My vet ran lots of tests on her, but everything came back perfectly healthy and normal. Diagnosis was another guess, but we think it was a combination of anxiety (she had these episodes when we went upstairs, where the bath is) along with some gastric distress. She’s a notoriously fussy eater, and while on the antibiotic, she was even less enthusiastic about meals. I now have her on one or two Famotidine (Pepcid) pills a day, which seems to be helping with her acid belly issues.

I’ve also dealt with a couple fights between the dogs this off season. Everyone is luckily OK, but I’ve learned that adding more dogs means scaling and changing our existing procedures (this is a very project manager-y way to explain it). For example, I won’t release all ten dogs into the large play yard anymore. There are too many personality dynamics and opportunities for problems to pop up. I’m also enforcing strict crate rules whenever there’s food around (human or dog), to avoid resource related aggression. The learning continues.

Looking forward, our 2021-2022 season is just now beginning, and there are still a lot of unknowns. We’re still in a pandemic, but with vaccines available, races and events are being scheduled. There are some other challenges we’ll be working around as well, but I’ll write more on that later.

For now, happy end of summer, and cheers to the best time of year.

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Marching Forward

Winter arrived late this year, but she came with snow-filled fury. Almost as dramatically as she entered, it appears she may be checking out. The past week has been above freezing almost every day, with rain and extensive melt. There is still a good deal of snow out there—probably at least a foot of hard-packed, rock solid base. As of today’s temperature plunge, everything is punchy and feels like you're walking on piles of broken pottery. Other areas are an ice luge, especially the down hill sections where melting snow flows into little streams. Our last run was midway through the warmup, and maneuvering the narrow, technical trails proved to be challenging with crummy footing. I imagine it's only gotten worse since then.

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We really need just a few inches of snow to make things safer for both me and the dogs. We might get some tomorrow, but it doesn't look too promising. The extended forecast shows another warmup next week. This time, temperatures might climb into the 50's, which would be too warm to run this time of year. Luckily, mornings and evenings should remain cool enough to continue training. At this point, I'd accept a full meltdown, so we could at least get back to training with wheels. We're stuck in limbo right now and it's making me crazier than the dogs.

I have a list of spring projects waiting once the snow melts. The play yard fence took a beating this winter and several sections will need to be replaced. I'll be rotating the hens' enclosure and using the old space for a new garden plot. This means taking down the (now collapsed) fencing and putting in new posts so the chickens can leave the barn and return to the outdoors. Once the ground is thawed, I'll be tilling and cultivating in preparation for this year's crops. My seed order arrived today and I'll be starting them indoors in a few weeks. I learned last winter to start later, otherwise they'll outgrow their pots and die if I plant them outside too early.

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As for the dogs, they're handling the down time pretty well. They have each other and the large play yard to run around in. Atlas has settled in without a hitch and has become just another celestial body in this large, hairy solar system that surrounds me every day. The snow has melted enough to reveal some of their favorite mud holes, a sure sign that spring is on its way. Despite a weird and emotionally challenging season (and, uh, year), we've hit the 300 mile mark and will hopefully continue to add miles for another month or two.

Time keeps marching forward and, somehow, it's already March again.

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Another One

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Someone asked when (and maybe, subconsciously, why) I decided to add another dog (Atlas!) to the team. While it might not seem like it, especially not to the average pet-owner, I have always been extremely strategic when increasing my numbers. I always tell non-mushers: comparatively, I actually have a very small team! It has also taken me more than ten years to get to ten dogs, so I consider my expansion pretty slow.

To answer the question, I started thinking back to how I got started in this sport (and hobby... and lifestyle). I had always wanted a Siberian Husky, but as a 20-year-old college student living in an apartment with a tiny, unfenced yard, no rescue would let me adopt one. My then-boyfriend (hi Rob) and I ended up adopting Dexter from a foster family that could tell we were more prepared than your average idiot kids. At this point, I was aware of mushing, but it was not part of my plan. I just wanted a dog that could accompany me on hikes and other outdoor adventures.

A few years later, and after volunteering for both a husky rescue and a wolf/wolfdog rescue, I finally had the credentials for husky ownership. I still had a hard time finding the right dog through adoption organizations, so I ended up looking into reputable breeders. One of them invited me to the Pine Barrens to attend a training meetup and "see the dogs in action". I was intrigued; this was New Jersey, where our winters weren’t known for their snow. It was also autumn, so there definitely wasn't snow on the ground. This is where it all began.

I met folks with only a few dogs and some with over a dozen. They used bikes, scooters, and non-motorized carts that looked like a mix between a shopping cart and a horse chariot. I started biking with Dexter and I was even able to hook him up with some borrowed dogs to see what true dog propulsion felt like. I was hooked before I even had my husky.


Denali was my first true sled dog and she paved the way for us. I started biking with her and Dexter, but I knew I wanted to get a third to pull a cart and, eventually, a sled. I adopted Knox six months after Denali came home. I remember everyone being shocked at this point. Three dogs? Wild.

For a time, the trio met my needs. I started a new job that required me to go into NYC a few times a week. I hung out with friends a lot. I traveled often. We mushed, too, but it wasn't all encompassing. Then Dexter started slowing down a bit. After all, he wasn't really built to keep up with two athletic young huskies. I started thinking about an eventual replacement for him. Denali's littermate, Mia, was due to have a litter, and I was quick to jump on the opportunity. Willow joined us in 2015, and shortly thereafter, I made my first "mistake".


When Willow was old enough to join the team, I kept Dexter on the line, since we were doing short and relatively easy runs that he could still handle. I was surprised to see him get a sort of second wind once he had a consistent running partner. In fact, the entire team seemed to do better in pairs. Eventually I had the girls leading with the boys in wheel, and Dex lasted through the whole season. And I realized, shit, I want to run a team of four.


Dexter's second wind was short lived, which I expected, and it wasn't long before I started thinking about another dog to take his place (for real this time). So a year after Willow, I added Blitz to the team. Ok, good, great, I should have been satisfied at this point, right? I wanted a team of four and I had it. Except there was a thought creeping in the back of my mind, almost since the beginning of this whole crazy journey. A friend had told me that you probably want at least six dogs to carry a passenger. I also really liked the idea of having leaders, team dogs, and wheel dogs. So I got to work.


I secured a fully remote job and found myself easing into a life more centered around mushing. Hubble joined the pack in 2017, a year after Blitz, and right before I moved to California. I thought, hell, let's make five work and see what comes next.


In 2018 I moved back to the Northeast, and finally had the space and setup to complete the six pack. Laika joined us in early 2019 and the following season was my first time competing in 6-dog classes. So now, certainly, I should be all set—right? Except...


Except it had taken me so long to build my six dog team that my oldest, Denali and Knox, were starting to show their age. Knox, a rescue with less than ideal structure, was having trouble keeping up with the younger dogs. Denali could still hold her own, but she seemed to be getting bored with the repetitive training we do at home. If I wanted to keep this whole thing going, I knew I had to start thinking about filling their places on the line.


So, later on in 2019, I found Sagan and Hopper to join the pack. I wanted to "try out" some Alaskan Huskies (mixed breeds specifically bred for mushing, not to adhere to a specific standard) and their lines synced up nicely with my existing dogs. Hopper is even half related to my existing crew, so I knew he’d fit well.


If you're keeping count, this brought me to nine dogs: one fully retired, two semi-retired, and six active team members. At this point in the journey, I'd been saying that my limit was ten. Mainly, I'm constrained by vehicle space: the dog van fits eight crates, two of which are big enough to be doubled up in. The dog truck has eight boxes with two dogs fitting in the cab. So, ten is possible, but was it really necessary?


When the pandemic first hit, and I knew I wouldn't be traveling for awhile, the thought of raising a pup crossed my mind. Then came the chaos of the Denali/Willow fights and my broken thumb, which quickly squashed the idea of adding more dogs to the mix. I didn't think about it again until the fall, when some exciting litters were planned, and my favorite breeder mentioned plans of moving to Alaska. I was training for my first mid-distance race with the 6-dog team. I knew I had room for one more, but I wasn't sure I had the justification for it.

Then Blitz had a seizure. This rocked me to my core and I'm still dealing with the shockwaves of PTSD it caused. Blitz has since been 100% fine and we've figured out a schedule that ensures his blood sugar levels stay in a safe range. All the races we were aiming for ended up canceled due to Covid, but I'm not sure we would've been ready to run them given how slow we got back on track with training.

Most "real" mushers have a larger pool of dogs than those they run in races. Many train an A team and a B team, or run larger strings than necessary for the class they intend to compete in. Then, when race day comes, they select the dogs who are running their best. If a dog gets a sore paw, or is more sensitive to warm temperatures, or refuses to eat, or just generally isn't enthusiastic, they can get "benched" without impacting the team's race. It felt like a gamble to train all season for some big (to me) races, only to have the possibility of being at a disadvantage (with a 5-dog team, if one dog couldn't run—most 6-dog classes allow as few as five) or not able to compete at all (if two couldn't run).

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A seventh, active team member adds a bit of buffer, so I can more confidently chase after my goals. And yes, I also made the same mistake of running the semi-retirees with their yearling replacements. An 8-dog team is awesome to behold, but I didn't let myself get too comfortable with it. That's not to say things won't change as my goals and situation changes. If you couldn't tell, that's been the theme of this whole wild ride.

To conclude, I guess I should more specifically answer "why Atlas?", since he's the pup I chose. Atlas comes from some of my very favorite lines. Knowing that his breeder, Jaye, will be leaving the area to compete in Iditarod 2022 (go Jaye!!), I figured this might be my last opportunity for a pup from Sibersong. And of course, I’m still grounded from travel for several more months, making now an ideal time for puppy raising.

So, there you have it. A very long-winded explanation that nobody really asked for, but I hope it gives you some insight behind the decisions I've made.

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Being Brave

The new year is off to a pretty wild start. Democrats took Georgia senate seats and win majority. Riots at the capitol. COVID is raging despite vaccines (slowly, inefficiently) rolling out. Every day brings about some new and often scary revelation.

Every race I had planned for the 2020-2021 season has been canceled. I'm relieved the decision has been made for us—I was already on the fence about attending anything. All of the mid-distance length races I had been aiming for required travel and overnight stays. While I'm sure I could manage, it would be easier to have someone there to help wrangle the team and stay with the retirees. I don't have anyone in my household and I didn't like the idea of asking a friend or family member to risk exposure for a race, which meant going solo. Not an impossible task, but not necessarily a welcome one, either.

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I'm also relieved because race cancelations remove the pressure to train for more mileage. Truthfully, Blitz's seizure greatly derailed my confidence, which impacted our season goals. Like I said in my last post, he’s fine, but I'm slow to recover from the experience. Making sure he eats enough before we run adds complexity to when we're able to run, too. I’ve put a smaller goal in place, mainly to beat our overall season mileage from last year, which should be attainable without stress.

We haven't had major snow since the day after Christmas, and trail conditions are a mixed bag right now. Some spots have perfectly packed base with powder on top. Other spots are down to grass, ice, or rock. I can go further on my home trail system via sled, but there's less control. I tend to have time to run after work, but that means after dark, and I want to be able to see what dicey shit I'm running on. (Headlamps only do so much) And what happens if I get hurt? Hospitals aren't exactly looking good right now.

Pre-seizure, pre-pandemic, none of these things would scare me. I've never been reckless, but I certainly felt a lot braver before.

So, I'm a bundle of nerves these days. Instead of worrying about increasing individual run distance, I've been focusing more on hookup manners and command training. Sagan is learning to lead with Willow. Laika is learning how to untangle herself in point. Hopper is learning not to bounce out of control while I hook up the others. I plan to rotate the dogs to different positions in an effort to make them more flexible. All of these things I can do from my home trail, in the brief hours of daylight in between work meetings and agonizing over the state of the country.

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Mushing has always been something I saw as an escape. I went into this season with ambition. The world was shut down, and although the races were always up in the air, mushing itself could not be canceled. I expected to be thriving out on the trail. Instead, I've learned that mushing is most enjoyable when balanced with all the other stuff I thought was keeping me from it. Friends, family, relationships, travel. This isn't even a pandemic discovery, really, but a Living Alone in the Woods discovery. It’s only now been amplified.

Funny how it all works out. Anyway, we’re expecting snow this weekend. We need it.

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Almost every year, it seems like training slows down in December. Between Thanksgiving and New Years, various factors come into play that make it harder to run. In more "normal" times, it was usually the hustle and bustle of decorating, shopping, and gathering with friends that kept me off the trail. There were parties at work, parties with friends, parties with family. Of course, this year is significantly lacking in all that.

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Even though December marks the true start of winter, it often arrives with crummy conditions. It has snowed a bit here and there, but not enough to safely use the sled yet. Big storms, meltdowns, and freezes have been the norm for late fall in the North Country, but the big snow dumps have eluded us so far. The ground is partially frozen and there's no base to set a snow hook.

I've been running the dogs with the ATV, which works better on small amounts of snow than the non-motorized carts. However, I have to avoid the muddy spots, otherwise I’ll create deep ruts with the heavy machine. I also can’t use the ATV on most of the state forest trails, so I’m eager for snow.

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Holidays and weather aside, there’s another reason I've been struggling to get back on track. If you're not following my social media, you may have missed that Blitz had a seizure a few weeks ago. I'll paste what I shared on Facebook below to recap:

We had a scary day on the trail. We were wrapping up another 10 mile run when Blitz’s tug went slack and he started dipping his head. I thought he was sniffing the spot where we had passed by a couple walking dogs, but then he yanked on his neckline and put on the brakes. I stopped the ATV to see what was wrong, and he immediately started seizing. I’ve never dealt with a seizure before and BOY are they terrifying.

My immediate thought was hyperthermia (overheating), even though it was in the mid-30s and I was keeping them at a pretty slow pace for the return leg. I had also watered them at the five mile mark, and he wasn’t showing any other signs of heat related stress. I poured some water on him just in case, and he eventually came out of the seizure (felt like an eternity but was probably more like 20-30 seconds).

He was very weak immediately after the episode so I pulled him onto the ATV and tried to get the team moving, but the other dogs wouldn’t line out and were curious/distressed. So, I started carrying him the remaining 300ish feet of trail back to the truck but quickly realized that wasn’t the best plan. (He’s a big dog.) I laid him down, ran back to the ATV and the dogs finally figured out we had to keep moving forward. I scooped him up and got everybody back into the truck and shot over to North Country Veterinary Services, who had vets waiting for us upon arrival. (I’ve never loaded dogs/gear/ATV so fast before... although I did leave behind several water bottles and gloves on the trail)

Blitz perked up on the ride over and was able to walk inside the vet’s office on his own, where they ran blood work to determine exactly what happened. Turns out, his blood sugar was very low. They gave him a sugar boost and he immediately perked up.

We’ve been doing longer runs and today we started about an hour later than normal. I feed the team after their runs (to avoid bloating) but I now realize it was too long a gap after his meal last night.

The plan now is to rest for at least a week. He goes back to the vet next Thursday for a followup. Assuming it was just exertional hypoglycemia, I will rework their feeding schedule to three small meals (instead of two) during mushing season and snack him before/during runs. I’ll also have emergency Karo syrup ready if he (or any of them) have this issue again.

I’m not sure what this means for his “career” as a sled dog. I’m hoping he can remain on the team and continue training towards 20-30 milers, but I won’t take any chances with my boy.

Since then, Blitz has been totally fine. He had his follow-up appointment and his blood sugar levels were right on target. I experimented with their food regimen a bit, but ultimately decided to continue feeding two meals (morning and evening) and shifting runs to midday instead of in the early morning (when none of them are very eager to eat). This has worked so far, but I've only had time for short runs on the home trail during my lunch breaks. I need to get them back to the state trails and running longer distances. I prefer to train before work, when fewer people (and dogs) are around, so hopefully I can convince them to eat a bit beforehand. I might be able to swing some extra long lunch breaks, but there will always be a portion of the season where we have to run early (especially when temperatures are warmer). Just another thing to work out.

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The vet said Blitz would be fine to run 10 milers again (as long as he has food before/snacks midway), but it's been a challenge to resume training. It took a full week before I could even get the harnesses out of my truck, so it's safe to say there's some lingering PTSD. The fear of another seizure has snowballed into a mountain of anxiety about every possible thing that could go wrong during a run. (And trust me, there’s plenty.)

So, sometimes, we don't run at all. Then the guilt creeps in—the feeling that I'm failing these dogs. I look at our training schedule and get depressed as our numbers plummet. I'm always telling myself, "Next season will be our season." But dogs age fast; each season feels so precious and fleeting. 

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I know what you’re going to say and I am trying to cut myself some slack. Mushing has always been my release. I balanced it against work, travel, and friends. Now most of that equation is gone and I need to find joy instead of stress, whatever that looks like. The 2020-2021 race season isn't looking all that promising with the pandemic still raging. Races may still happen, but I'm unsure if I'll feel comfortable attending.

If there ever was a season to slow down and relax, this would be the one. Let’s hope I can figure out how.

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Full Circle

The trees are bare again. The sun sets before 5:00 PM. It’s cold, though not really as cold as it should be for late November. We’ve seen almost every season in this, the year of Covid. While the summer offered some relief, winter is looking increasingly grim. It feels like we’ve come full circle; we’re right back where we started last winter.

All we can do is keep on going.

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The only dryland race I had planned on attending was canceled. Instead, I took the dogs to New Hampshire for a training campout with the North Country Mushers. This was their longest trip in the dog truck (in the past, long trips were by van) and their first overnight in the dog boxes. The ATV was in the shop that weekend, so I brought an Arctis cart and ran small teams. This ended up working out well, since I could switch up team combinations and focus more on individuals. The dogs did great, especially with passing in some tricky situations (narrow trails, giant puddles, etc.). They even pulled off some nice head-on passes, which have always made me nervous. Of course, they still have some work to do, but I’m feeling more confident in their abilities.

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Once we returned home, I began bumping up our run mileage. We’ve been training at the state forest more, which means waking up early and trucking to the trail. The 6-dog race team has mastered ten milers and my next step is adding more distance. They’ve added quite a few “NO ATV” signs throughout the trail system, so we’re limited in where we can run, at least until it snows. The dogs are just happy to run somewhere besides our home trail.

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We’ve been training with a 30-mile race in mind, but as with many things this year, the Can-Am Crown 30 has been canceled for 2021. While I’m confident the dogs could do it, there are so many variables, made more complicated by the virus. The fastest route to Fort Kent is through Canada, which has closed its borders. Interstate travel and hotels are less inviting when a disease is running rampant. Asking someone to come handle for me becomes a challenge. I’m disappointed but also relieved.

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There are still a couple races being planned with Covid safety measures in mind. First up would be the Tug Hill Challenge, the local sprint race. This one doesn’t require any overnight travel for me. After that would be the Blue Mountain Sled Dog Race in New Hampshire. We’d run the 6-dog, 18 mile class. It’s not the 30-miler I wanted, but it would still be our longest race to date. 

We’ll see if these races can actually go off. Even though mushing itself is very socially distant, the activities off the trail are what harbor super-spreader potential. The history of the sled dog is intertwined with the delivery of life-saving vaccines. This year, it seems survival might depend on staying off the trail.

Stay safe out there, everyone.

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Planning for Tomorrow


I’ve always been a planner. Part of the appeal of homesteading is the necessity of planning: weeks, months, even years in advance. In a time when making plans outside of the home is nearly impossible, homesteading provides an outlet, a sense of stability, and purpose. I’ve already drawn up plans for next year’s gardens. I know what grows well and what doesn’t. I know to start my seeds later than what my gut tells me, because sometimes it snows in May. I know to plant fewer peppers, since they take forever to fruit and that space could be better utilized by a higher yield crop. I’ll use my electric cultivator to get more plants in the ground next season. I’ll try out grow bags for potatoes. More beets and more kale.

But before we get to next spring, there’s a whole winter to prepare for. This will be our third winter in the North Country, so I know what to expect. I’ve got multiple contacts for plowing services, my trusty snowblower, and a small plow for my ATV. I know to expect most of the snowfall after the holidays. I’ve stocked up on merino wool sales this summer, knowing there will be days well below freezing. The new element this winter: chickens. I have yet to go through a winter with a flock, and their current accommodations aren’t quite ideal. There’s no power source out by their coop, so keeping water liquid becomes a challenge (there are tricks, but when it’s below zero, it’s just persistence). We regularly get storms that drift snow taller than even Morticia, and I rather not shovel another yard.

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So! The flock will spend summer, fall, spring, and the milder portion of winter in the Hen Pen. When we dip into the dead of winter, and the snow piles up, and we barely break freezing, I’ll move the girls into the back stall of my barn. A spare dog crate with roosting bars and cover will make for a toasty coop.

Initially, I planned on putting up some fencing to keep the birds to one side of the barn, but I decided to just cover up my lawn equipment with tarps. Once winter rolls around, I’ll get a heater for their water and maybe even provide a heat source for the birds themselves, depending on how cold it gets. Like sled dogs, they’ll grow winter feathers to keep themselves warm, and I don’t want to mess with their natural insulation.

Their winter setup doubles as a secure enclosure for when I take (short) trips, which I tested out this past weekend. I have someone available to care for the flock if I go away for longer, but for two nights, closing them up in the barn with plenty of feed and water keeps them safe. It’s not as fun as being outside in their pen, but it’s definitely better than the inside of a fox.

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Photo Sep 09, 5 25 04 PM.jpg

I took the dogs down to New Jersey for the first time since January, which was a nice mini-escape in what has been an unusually sedentary year. I wanted to get down there before mushing season kicks into gear, and with the yearlings still recuperating from spay/neuter surgeries, it seemed like the best time for a visit. The ten hour (round trip) van ride was a good way to keep them calm, even if they went a little bit wild once we got there.

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For now, we’re back in the North Country and eagerly awaiting the onset of fall. The pups should be ready to run again by Tuesday and it looks like cooler weather is serendipitously on its way. I still don’t quite know what this mushing season will look like for us, but I’m ready to get rolling.

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Photo Sep 04, 2 00 09 PM.jpg

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For the first time in a long time, it feels like things are on an upswing. We’ve made it through five (?) months of a pandemic. Cases are slowing down in the Northeast and restrictions are easing. I’ve hosted a few small gatherings for campouts on my land and will have a few more before summer is through. We hiked, boated, swam, BBQed, and talked around campfires. We wore masks and washed our hands and maintained distance on trails and in antique markets. There is a sense of guilt in spending time with folks outside my household, but the risks are lower out here, and mental health is a factor. I live alone and it’s very likely we’ll be in this mess for a long time. There’s nothing normal about this summer, but we’re trying to get by.


I’ve gone from cast to removable brace to a completely free hand again. You truly don’t appreciate your body until it’s broken, and two months later, I’m about 95% recovered. There’s still some stiffness to work out and strength to rebuild, but I expect to be normal again soon. 

The biggest news from the homestead this month: chickens are back! After my last blog post, I got to work with a new plan to safely keep a flock where they won’t cause drama with the dog pack. I picked out an area in the far, front corner of the property, out of view of the dogs’ yards and house. I mowed down a big space in the meadow and put up ~6’ fencing to keep the birds contained, since free-ranging was not going to work with the dogs (and as a bonus, protects the garden). I ordered a bigger coop from Urban Northern with an attached enclosed run–enough space to comfortably house six birds. I bought overalls and designated a specific pair of boots as the “chicken outfit”, to avoid carrying their scent in with the dogs. Shortly after finishing the coop, I found a homesteader selling starter flocks, and picked up a barnyard mix.

The new crew consists of Morticia, the shimmery black Australorp; Jean, the Phoenix; Macaroni and Cheese, the twin ISA Browns; Frosty, the little white Leghorn; and PJ (short for Pajamas), the Belgian d’Uccle. In the week since they arrived, I’ve collected about a half dozen eggs, but I expect that to increase as they settle in and the younger birds mature. So far, the new setup seems to be working. The dogs don’t have any clue that the flock is here, which is what I was hoping would happen. 

The dogs are enjoying their off-season break, especially now that we’re through the hottest point of summer. I’m keeping an eye out for mornings in the 50ºF range, but we probably won’t start running in earnest until mid-September. Half of the team (Laika, Sagan, and Hopper) will be getting altered on September 1st, so there will be some recuperation time to deal with as well. Laika is in the middle of her first heat cycle, which adds another layer of complexity to the crate/gate-and-rotate situation I already have with Denali and Willow, but they’re all remarkably good at developing to routines. 


Besides dogs and chickens, the homestead’s gardens are producing a decent harvest. After a rough start, I’m relieved to be growing food and reducing my reliance on the grocery store. So far, I’ve had snap peas, green beans, kale, zucchini, lettuce, beets, carrots, radishes, turnips, parsley, and mustard seed. I’ve got celery, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, corn, onions, and baby watermelons in progress. Not terrible for my first real growing season in the North Country, with a broken thumb no less. I’ll take what I’ve learned and apply it next spring. I really want to grow enough to share with neighbors and friends.

Growing plants and raising animals fulfills something primal in me, something you can’t get from eight hours in front of a screen. If this pandemic teaches us anything, I hope it’s a return to the earth and some degree of self reliance. Positive thinking, right?

That’s all I’ve got for now. Stay safe out there.


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Broken Bones

I guess it’s about time I update this blog. I could’ve sworn I wrote here more recently, but apparently three months flew by in an instant. I’ve also been making small but more frequent updates on Patreon, but I don’t expect (or want!) a ton of people to subscribe to that.

Where do I begin? I started my last entry with “The entire world has changed in the few weeks since I last wrote.” and this one is no different. The global pandemic seems to be trailing off in most places outside of the United States, and (thankfully) in the northeast. However, it seems to be thriving in the south and west, and as a country, we’re far from out of the woods. It’s hard to plan anything for the future, or to feel optimistic about it.

We’re also in the middle of a historical civil rights movement, which began in response to the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. (Although police brutality and systematic racism Black people have faced goes well beyond Floyd’s murder) I’ve been trying to donate to as many organizations and funds as I can, but there’s still so much that needs to be done, and so much more I hope to do as an individual. For right now, I’d encourage you to find BIPOC leaders in your community and support them. Of course, vote, donate, educate, amplify Black voices, sign petitions, march, do everything in your power and use your privileges. But also, listen, and know when it is not your turn to hold the megaphone.

I know, this is a blog about a dog sled team, but human rights are incredibly important to me. If that bothers you, or if you prefer to bleat, “All lives matter”, you’re more than welcome to fuck off.

OK, so what else.

In my last post I wrote about chickens and gardens. Much has changed in the homestead since, unfortunately not for the better. To start, I killed almost all of my initial seedlings by planting outside prematurely. But that was only the beginning of my woes.

A few weeks into owning the chickens, they began free ranging a bit. I only let them roam when the dogs were inside, but I didn’t anticipate how much the sight (through the window), sounds, and smells of the birds would set them off.

The mayhem started after I had been kneeling in their coop, submerging my work pants in their scent. After tending to their needs, I went to the backyard with the dogs. Denali and Willow started sniffing my pant leg with great interest, and I didn’t think much of it. I wanted them to grow accustomed to the chickens’ presence, without putting them directly in their line of sight.

In a split second, the two girls were at each other’s faces, biting and snarling. I have no idea who started it, but my guess would be Denali, as she’s the more grumbly boss lady around here. The fight was gnarly, but I was able to get them apart by shoving one off the porch. I ended up bringing Willow to the vet for a 1” gash near her ear, but neither of their wounds were severe.

I’ll pause to mention that these two have fought maybe three times before, in the nearly five years I’ve had Willow. The last time was in Big Bear, and it was pretty mild by comparison. Aside from a quick crate break, I didn’t need to separate them afterwards; they both were over it fast.

I mistakenly assumed this fight would be no different. After the trip to the vet and several hours to calm down, I let the girls out together, and another fight happened almost immediately. I got it controlled quickly, but it was shocking to me. And, man, did I feel like an absolute asshole.

I proceeded to rotate the girls for a week or two (at this point I don’t even remember), until I felt confident enough to let them loose together with heavy supervision. Things seemed to return to normal, until one day Knox caught sight of the chicken trio roaming and set off a group howl. The excitement lead to a series of fights: first Denali and Willow, then Dexter and Hubble, and finally Willow and Laika. Thankfully no one was hurt and they were all minor scuffles, but obviously this was not OK. That same day, I reached out to my NoCo friend circle about rehoming the chickens. The next day, I loaded everything up and brought them to my friend’s place where they’re now living happy lives. It’s heartbreaking for me, as I’ve dreamed of keeping chickens for so long, but I needed to reset.

Once the chickens were gone, things improved almost immediately. The fights stopped. I restarted the crate and rotate cycle with Denali and Willow, but soon found they could be loose together without issue. I was proud and relieved. For about a month.

But then they fought again. I almost predicted it. We get Amish horse buggies passing the house every so often, maybe once a week tops. On this particular day, multiple buggies went past, and this fired the dogs up. Denali and Willow fought again. I did finally have a pattern, though: excitement (Willow rushing around/barking) and Denali feeling cornered. Everyone came out of this one OK, and I adjusted accordingly. I’d have to be careful in hallways and the backdoor area, where Denali feels more defensive. If I could avoid having them in those spaces, things seemed to be OK. They never had any fights in the big, open play yard.

Another week and a half went by with things once again going back to “normal” (whatever that word means). As we got into June, the temperature was high and the dogs were much lazier. I was outside working on my laptop and all the dogs were loose in the small dog yard with me. Denali and Willow had been lounging in the sun all day together without a problem. I let my guard down, I guess.

Denali was asleep on the porch and the younger dogs were milling about the yard. A robin landed just outside the fence and Willow leapt across the porch to chase after it. Just as she made her dash, Denali sprung up and, expecting an attack, lunged at her. The two girls began their typical brawl, but this time Laika joined in, so it was two versus one. The younger girls had a grip on Denali’s neck that screamed “life or death” situation, and I dove into the brawl. Denali bit down on anything she could reach in self-defense. This mainly ended up being me; she broke my thumb with her first bite.

Despite my injuries, I managed to pull the three girls apart. I threw Willow into the garage, Laika in the house, and made sure Denali was OK before getting everybody safely crated and myself to urgent care. They cleaned me up, took X-rays which confirmed the break, and set my hand in a splint. They also set me up with an orthopedic surgeon, expecting I’d need surgery to fix the bone. I cleaned Denali up when I got back home and gave her antibiotics I had on hand. My vet handled a few staples the next day.

My parents came up from New Jersey to help me sort life out, but the streak of bad luck wasn’t over. Within 48 hours of breaking my thumb, my dad stumbled in my hallway and fell down the stairs, breaking his wrist. At this point, it’s hard not to laugh (through the pain).

It’s been almost a month now and I’m cautiously optimistic about the immediate future, at least. I’ve gone through three splints, surgery to insert pins, and a hard cast for another week and a half. Dad’s had surgery to insert a plate in his wrist. Denali healed and had her staples removed.

As far as Denali and Willow’s relationship is concerned, things are strained. I have been rotating them between crates, gates, and the two separate yards. The only time I’ve let them out loose together is when we’re sitting on the couch and I’m physically between them. Denali is very wary of Willow while Willow actively avoids Denali. It’s not ideal, but it’s better than having two dogs that are actively out to get one another. It’s a rather dramatic misunderstanding that I’m hoping they’ll eventually forget.

If they don’t, then we’ll live with these adjustments. As Denali gets older (along with Dexter and Knox), it makes sense to separate the team into smaller play groups, for everyone’s safety and happiness. I’ve also been applying a bit more structure and enforcing more rules, mainly more time in their crates to “cool down” after play or while I’m cooking/eating. It’s been going well—they all run straight to their crates after coming inside. In the Covid-19 era, I don’t leave the house much at all, so they got a bit too comfortable with 24/7 freedom. That said, they all seem to enjoy crate naps in their own quiet spaces.

Mushing has been an ongoing learning experience and this is all part of it. My thumb might end up weaker, but I hope my character comes out of this stronger.


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